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Friday, 20 January 2017

Cyber Bullying + Internet Safety

   Hey guys, today I am going to be talking about cyber bullying. This is a VERY important topic, and it has to do with the online world. If you didn't already know cyber bullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. 
Cyber Bullying happens a lot in the online world. Although the online world is fairly safe and positive, not all parts of the the internet are safe.  

Cyber bullying can cause people a lot of problems. One example of cyber bullying is mean/hateful messages. 

My friends sometimes send me chain mail, which is a message that says to pass it on to (# of people) or (something) will happen to you. Don't participate in it. Tell your friends to please not send you any chain mail, and suggest them not to participate in chain mail either. Some of these emails are either sen to scare you, or have a tracking thing to track your email and others you send it to.

Another thing to keep in mind, is that you need to be an UPSTANDER and not a bystander. An upstander is someone who acts when they see something wrong. A bystander is someone who sees something wrong but does nothing about it. You want to be an Upstander!

Different ways to be an Upstander online are:

  • Report people on social media who are bullying people
  • Tell a trusted adult if you/someone else are getting bullied
  • Be careful about what you post online

So guys I want to tell you one more thing, be safe online. I love Pinterest and google+ and messages and all the other social media that I have. But always before you post/ text remember one thing T.H.I.N.K. So think is an acronym which stands for

T - is it true?
H - is it helpful?
I - is it inspiring?
N- is it necessary?
K - is it kind?

Cyber Bullying is a horrible thing and one way you can make a difference is to spread awareness about it! Tell your friends and family, talk about internet safety on social media, or make a blog post about it! The more people know about the safer and better the online world can be!

Thanks guys for reading my rambles :) I hope you guys spread awareness about cyber bullying! 

xx Bubbles

Friday, 13 January 2017

Chitter Chatter 1: Stress Management

Hey guys! So I am starting a new series called Chitter Chatter, where I will be giving advice and talking about some stuff to help you guys :). If you have a question you need advice on you can comment below or email me at: . If you wish to remain anonymous email me and tell me that in the email. This series will me coming out twice a month.

Today's post is on stress. I have a lot of things to tell you guys about stress, but today I am going tell you some ways to manage stress. So anyhoo lets get into it!

Deep Breathing

Ya I know everyone says this, but when I am freaking out anywhere either because a lot of pressure is on me or I am feeling scared, (this happens A LOT) I close my eyes for 20 seconds and take a deep breath. When I am doing this I block out whatever's going around me and just focus on my breath. That may sound weird, but it helps, like really, guys just trust me on this. If focusing on your breath sounds too weird, try counting to 10 or 20. The science behind this is that deep breathing helps bring oxygen to your brain which brings you calmness.

Positive Affirmations 

I mentioned this in my 3 ways to be positive post that postive affirmations help you stay positive, but they also help you when your stressed. When your feeling stressed repeat to yourself out loud, in a mirror or you can whisper to yourself "I'm going to be okay" "I will rock this" "I will get through this". These can give your stress relief and help you feel calmer and stronger.


A journal is a great way to manage stress! I usually like to talk to someone when I feel overwhelmed, but there are some things I can't talk to people about so I write about it in my journal. It makes me feel relieved that I have let go of something and not have it bottled up inside me.


I don't really like exercise so doing stretching helps me feel better. Yoga is another helpful exercise.

Taking a Walk

Fresh air is very beneficial so I highly suggest taking a walk around your neighborhood, or some place else. It gives you a chance to clear your mind and calmly think about the issue.

That's all for today guys, I hope you enjoyed it!

What are ways you manage your stress? What do you guys think of the new header?

xx Bubbles

Friday, 6 January 2017

Interview with Nandy

Hey guys! My good friend Nandy recently started a blog and its AWESOME! You guys should definitely go check it out! We are doing an interview swap so make sure to check out her blog here! Let's get into the interview!

1. Describe yourself in 5 words?Quirky, Nerdy, Stubborn (I'm working in it, though) Friendly, and a Dog-Lover.
2. What is your blog about?My blog is about everything, actually. I post my thoughts, funny anecdotes, and interesting things I hear or read about.
3. When did you start blogging and why?
Its only been a few weeks now. My first post was on Dec. 15 and I upload every Friday.
4. If you had 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?
If I had 1 million dollars, I would start an animal shelter in a developing country so that more dogs and cats could find a real home.
5. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
If I was an animal, I would be a cat because sometimes I act like Garfield. LOL
6. Where do you find inspiration for your amazing blog posts?
Wow! Thanks for calling my blog posts amazing. I find inspiration in everyday things and even from your blog, Bubbles!
7. What do you like doing in your spare time?
In my spare time I blog (obviously). I also like to read and random
8. If you could choose one place to go ( Fictional, or Realistic) where would you go and why?
If I could go anywhere, I would go to Europe and take a tour of all the wonderful sights there.
9. What is something you haven't done before but really want to do?
Something I would really like to do that I haven't already done would be skydiving. It seems so cool!
10. Where do you blog? ( like your desk, or bed etc).Do you have any blogging essentials?
I usually blog on the futon in my room since it's super comfy! i always like to have my emoji pillow with me because his perpetual smile is very encouraging.
11. What are some of your goals for your blog?
My blogging goal is just to share my feelings and opinions with the world!
12. What are your favorite types of posts to blog about?
My favorite posts are holiday themed ones such as Halloween costume ideas, etc.
Thank you Nandy for letting me interview you :)
She also interviewed me over on her blog so make sure to go check her out!
xx Bubbles